12 Habits that will make you a happier person

On the site to Learning Mind they talked about being happy, and for us up in northern europe we are going into the dark times. Meaning that it is winter and the sun isn´t that much here and it is cold. In this time of the year we are more prone to depression, bad mood and sometimes we feel particularly unhappy. But maybe it has to do with the habit of complaining and shifting the blame to the bad weather? Much better is to replace bad words and habits with the good ones that will help us keep a positive attitude and feel happy even in gloomy autumn days.

1. Appreciate every moment

Live today and now. Rejoice every detail: a sunny day, a beautiful scenery, an interesting book, a smiling stranger. Think of someone that cannot see, hear, feel… But you are lucky, so appreciate this.

2. Do what you like

You cannot do every day something that makes you feel unhappy (uninteresting work, annoying “friends”, unloved people). Everyday stress not only prevents live fully, but also deprives health. Find a way to give up things and people that prevent you to be happy and enjoy life. Do not waste your energy on something that does not bring you joy or somebody who does not deserve you.

3. Do not try to be perfect, always be yourself

Do not try to be perfect in everything, it is impossible. Improve yourself, but enjoy the process itself,do not torment yourself with unattainable images. Do not imitate unthinkingly, keep your individuality.


Read the rest of the article here

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