10 steps to programming your dreams – Part I

In our dreams we encounter the subconscious, which can tell a lotabout our lives and help resolve difficult situations. With the help oflucid dreaming, i.e. programming yourself for a specific dream, you can get answers to questions that remain open in real life and reveal some secrets of your personality. This is a 10-step guide to dreaming what you want to dream:

1. A few hours before bedtime, try to relax and not to overload yourself with unnecessary emotions and experiences, dense meal and physical exercise.

2. Decide on what you want to dream. It should not be a detailed description of the plot, because dreams are built on their own internal logic. Specify what kind of intellectual or creative problem you want to solve, or maybe you want to visit a foreign country, go on an adventure or see your relative who lives far away. In any case, the task should reflect a real situation that bothers you.

3. After specifying the purpose you want to accomplish with the help of your dreams, write it downon a piece of paper.

4. Now you need to get ready for remembering your dream. To do this, put a pad and pen next to your bed in order to write down as more details as possible just after waking up.

5. Program yourself for waking up as soon as you dream what you want to dream. The fact is that in one night we can have several dreams, but, as a rule, we remember only the last one. So it is necessary to wake up as soon as the desired dream ends.

This is a part of the article written by Anna in Learning Mind

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