Becoming an IG Trainer in JCI

 Reading the last blogpost you got an idea of what a trainer have to do. And go from JCI Prime to CLT (local trainer) to CNT (national trainer) is through at least 50 hours of training, and most of them inside JCI.


After becoming a CNT you have to start train outside your country. For me as a norwegian it is vital to hold a lot of trainings in english. Both for the sake of being better in english but also to learn other cultures. And of course it is different things to think about when holding a training in Norway on norwegian and doing trainings in a different country in english.


I have been around indifferent countries an doing trainings, and the last ones was in Sweden. I was doing both a mentoring training ("The Big Five") and a leadership training together with Kai Roer ( and Karolina Luna a whole weekend.


So for my next level in JCI training lather, I have to apply for an IG.


International Graduate (IG)

A CNT seeking certification at level 3 – International Graduate (IG) – is required to:


1. Conduct a minimum of three different training sessions for a total of at least 25 hours of training at the international level, outside the trainer’s own country of affiliation and residency.

A minimum of 15 hours must be conducted in courses organized by JCI local or national organizations officially affiliated to JCI and 10 hours of non JCI training is accepted.


2. Design and submit an original one–hour training course, with full rights to JCI.

The training course must be designed using the official JCI Training Course Templates and include: Trainer’s Guide, Participants’ manual and PowerPointTM slides.


So having designed a new training (Introduction to The Big Five – a one hour training session) and sent the aplication I now have to wait and see what the JCI Training Commission have to say about my training. 


Of course I would get it back and have to do some more work on it, but we have to see. I will ceep you posted.


By the way, here is why I am doing all this. Read what JCI Training Commission say about the trainers becoming an IG:


Achieving IG level certification is a mark of distinction and personal and professional excellence in adult learning. IGs are trainers who are willing to go the extra distance to help their peers to become stronger leaders, more dynamic trainers, and more effective managers. 


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