KMP+ House of mentoring – Is mentoring a talent factory?

From my three latest podcast episodes, and my last until the summer.

In the episode we talked about the importance of dialogue, mentoring programmes and the trends and future of mentoring and we do that in three episodes.

And who better to do that with than Kirsten M. Poulsen, with more than 30 years of experience in developing people and organisations, Kirsten is internationally recognized for her knowledge and contribution to the mentoring world, having trained more than 10,000 mentors and mentees with the Mentor+ Approach and the Mentor+Game™. Kirsten founded the KMP+ House of Mentoring in 2000 and she has more than 30 years of experience developing people and organizations. She focus on developing tools and concepts based on research to enhance the quality of organisational mentoring programmes.

KMP+ House of Mentoring serves clients globally delivering high impact programmes leadership & talent Development programmes focusing on mentoring as the vehicle for accelerating, enhancing and ensuring learning – creating effective individual and organizational learning.

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