The Significance of Ethics in Mentoring and Coaching – Part 3

The Global Code of Ethics

The Global Code of Ethics supports excellence in the development of coaching, mentoring, and supervision and it raises the standards of practice of their members. It was created by two professional associations in February 2016 – Association for Coaching (‘AC’) and EMCC.

Click here to see a full list of the professional bodies who have become signatories

The code has a wider impact by informing the work of people who may not be members of the signatory bodies but who practice coaching, mentoring, supervision, and training related activities or are sponsors, users, beneficiaries and purchasers of such services, anywhere around the world.

The code has recently been updated to the third version (July 2021) and is currently available Chinese (Mandarin), English, Czech, Danish, French, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish.  We are working on translating it into other languages (Arabic, Dutch, Greek, Indian (Hindi), Italian, Romanian, and Turkish).  If you would like to see the code in your language, please contact us

You can find out more about the Code here and also download a simple copy of a pdf document of the Global Code of Ethics in your language here

All the text is from EMCC Global

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