Yes indeed, we live in a fast-changing world, with, at times, chaotic and unexpected events. For example the long-term financial repercussions for companies and individuals in the global financial crisis. In that times wisdom from experienced people both on individual and organization level is crucial. And through life experience you gain wisdom…
Organizations recruit graduates hoping they will be the leaders of tomorrow, but studies show there is a gap that needs adressing. And this is why we need mentoring in organizations today. Mentoring is a powerful process for making sustainable progress based on the positive partnership of two people.
I have being coordinating mentoring programs for over 10 years and most of the programs has been between academia and business life, between students and leaders. And it is a great pleasure to see the students starting the program, the one year process and what they have developed to in the end of a program. Itś a remarkable journey for the participants and wonderful to be a part of.
I see mentoring as an effective way to develop people both on personal and professionel level. And so also for the future.
This «Money tree» is designer Morgaine Ford-Workman and was used as a logo for a 3-week series focusing on business mentors for students.