Happy christmas

I hope you will a really, really happy christmas with your family. Myself I am going to Sweden to visit my swedish family (my wife that is), spending the time with nice people and good food.

With the best wishes for 2012!

Do you ever doubt yourself?

Here are some tip from the Danish coach Sofia Manning (Sadly this is only in Danish: http://www.sofiamanning.com/).

When in doubt about anything, ask yourself: What is it about? What am I to doubt? How does it feel to be in doubt? What is doubt positive intention? How will the doubt help me?

Ask then: What is the opposite of doubt for me? (eg trust) What do I trust? How does it feel to be trusted? What is confidence, positive intention? How will you trust to help me?

Then ask the warmest place in you (eg your heart) With all my love for myself and others, what do I know or remember me on right now? How does it feel?

The task to you will be:

Look at your question with new eyes. As something that perhaps will always be there as a part of you.
And try to give your doubts a break. And see if the answer does not show up anyway …

This is a very important step when you are designing
your best year ever!

Design Your Best Year Ever

When asked what has been the biggest secret behind any success the answer many times is: a system for designing, following through and achieving big goals.

Darren Hardy have been writing about every step in this program, and now in the middle of december it is time again. PLAN YOUR 2012 WITH THIS.

Darren H. have studied the process of setting and achieving goals vigorously for more than 20 years now. And have spent tens of thousands of dollars attending seminars, reading books, listening to audio programs and interviewing super-achievers on how they do it. After much of his own real-world trial, error and achievements, he synthesized all this knowledge and experience into a system he has used for herself.

The key is properly inciting your creative power, revving up your inner drive and channeling your focus over a sustained period of time.

Based on 20+ years of refined study, practice, and execution, Design Your Best Year Ever outlines the specific plan that SUCCESSmagazine Publisher Darren Hardy developed for himself, synthesizing hundreds of books, seminars, trials, errors, and victories into the best and proven strategies on how to design, execute, stick to, and achieve big goals.


  • Learn to avoid the fatal mistake most make in setting goals. You might be setting yourself up to fail, even before you get started.
  • Go from goal setting to goal achieving. Discover the “magic factor” that makes the big difference in obtaining your goals.
  • Find out how to invoke your creative power to attract the people, circumstances, resources and guidance you need to achieve your wildly ambitious goals.

It’s a simple and easy-to-execute formula, yet incredibly powerful and effective in moving you toward achieving your dreams. Now is the ideal time to begin refining the most important life-skill there is—one that will design and create your Best Year Ever!

This could be a very good tools to have when planning 2012, good luck with the great plans. And good luck in 2010!

How is your self-confidence











There are certain things you dream of doing – asking your boss for a raise or promotion, finding a new job, getting up on stage to sing or perform a comedy routine, or writing a novel or book – but you never take the steps toward actually doing them because you’re afraid of what will happen if you try.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If it does, maybe you should try Brian Tracy and his Science of Self-Confidence program, maybe that could be exactly what you need to overcome your fear and achieve success in every area of your life.

Look her for more information: Self-Confidence, her I come…

How do you create more passion?

  • If your life was a movie would you go and see it again and again? If not, consider what you can do to get the life you want?
  • If money, time and resources were not an obstacle, what would you spend your time?
  • If you had one year left to live, what would you do?

Learn from your answers. What should you spend more time in everyday life, what small adjustments you can make if you’re not ready to go «all in».

Ask yourself: How can I use these answers to create more passion in my life?

Thanks to Sofia Manning for those insights, if you want to learn more about Sofia Manning look up: www.sofiamanning.com (in Danish).

2011 JCI World Congress

This is the best leader training organization and their world congress. The 2011 JCI World Congress General Assembly 1 is live right now! Tune in at the JCI Events Live Streaming Page http://t.co/xzdeCj2p”

Folklorist this exiting event live.

Judge for speaker competition

Public speaking is a critical skill for leaders to motivate others toward positive change. At the JCI World Public Speaking Championship, members face the challenge of expressing creative ideas in a clear and captivating manner. National Public Speaking contest winner compete at the JCI Area Conferences, then the winners for each Conference go on to represent their geographical area at the JCI World Congress.

Convictions for successful living

Here are 7 convictions which I have found that people with success are having:

  • I feel the fear and act anyway
  • If I follow my heart, I’ll never fault
  • I do what I want
  • I know I can provide value
  • I create my own reality
  • I can not help
  • I am humble and focus on the good in what happens

How well do you know yourself and how you react. Sit down and decide to integrate at least 2 of these beliefs and lay a plan for how you will do it.

Persuade People with These Three Tips

I got this hot tip in my mailbox, had to share it with you.

«Persuasion is the cornerstone of great execution,» says Tony Jeary, productivity coach and author of Strategic Acceleration: Succeed at the Speed of Life. The most successful people effectively persuade others to take action on their behalf by using three principles, Jeary says.

  1. Communicate at the belief level. «Communicating at the level of belief involves a heavy dose of why constantly being explained. Why is communicated by explaining value and purpose of what you are presenting,» Jeary says. «If you believe in your vision, others will as well.»
  2. Set a powerful example by your own behavior. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, «What you do speaks so loud I cannot hear what you say.» Only 7 percent of communication and persuasion is oral. The other 93 percent is the result of what people see and sense, based on tone and other nonverbal clues, Jeary says. «If you want to persuade others, exceed expectations yourself. Nothing persuades more effectively than a leader who sets the right example for his team, children and colleagues to follow.»
  3. Demonstrate confidence in what you say and do. «The ability to present yourself, your requests and your vision with confidence is another important nonverbal piece of the persuasion formula,» Jeary says. «Don’t be tempted to give a less assertive opinion for the purpose of not appearing arrogant. When you say things like, ‘You probably know more about this than I do,’ you are unwittingly sabotaging your own perceived confidence. Know what you want to say and how you want to say it.»
Have a happy monday…